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Artist, Activist

Viktoryia Hrabennikava

Visual artist, queer-fem activist, cultural researcher, (she/they)


Born in Vitebsk in 1998. 20162022 studied and worked in Mensk. Currently based in



In 2020 finished The Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts with specialization in

international cultural relations.


In 2021 finished an educational program in The European College of Liberal Arts in Belarus

(ECLAB), concentration »Contemporary Art Studies«.


Hrabennikava’s practice focuses on personal state and interpersonal relations under the

influence of political and social context. Queering, body, human rights, representation of

femininity and movement towards non-binary gender narratives, mental healthare the

themes that are reflected in their works. Her artistic and activist practices intersec, outside

personal projects Viktoryia cooperate with NGOs and belarusian initiatives focused on

gender studies and human rights such as: MAKEOUT, DOTYK, DasHip media,Youth coaching

network »Пароўну«, Femgroup of Coordination Council (Фемгруппа КС), Tender na gender and other.
