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Artist, Art Director

Nikita Betekhtin

Nikita Betekhtin was born on the 6th of March 1988 in Tyumen, Russia.


Before joining The Russian Institute of Theatre Arts GITIS in Moscow, he was the manager and the director of The Youth Theatre Burime in Tyumen.


In 2017, he graduated from GITIS with focus on stage directing. In 2018, he received his MFA from the Directing Programme of The Theatre School in Moscow. Between 2019 and 2021, he worked as director and department leader of The Theatre for Young Audiences of Krasnoyarsk, Russia. In 2021, he received a Masterof Arts in Cultural Management (University of Manchester, UK and The Moscow School of Social and Ecоnomic Sciences).


Because of his publicly expressed position against the war in Ukraine, Nikita Betekhtin had to leave Russia.

Nikita Betekhtin
